What To Expect

Every session will unfold differently during the course of the massage. However, the initial session will begin with a longer intake process to allow myself to gain some knowledge of your medical history. Other than this, each session will follow these simple guidelines:

  • Therapist will set up massage table in a suitable(quiet and spacious) place.
  • Client fills out intake form and undergoes interview to assess goals for the session.
  • Therapist leaves the room. Client will undress to their level of comfort and lay down, draped, on the table as instructed by therapist.
  • Therapist will only undrape areas while working on them and to your comfort level.
  • After the massage, therapist leaves the room again giving the client time to redress.
  • Client and therapist will converse about the session and assess how the next session could be improved.

How to get the most from your massage

  • Be as open to the process as you can.
  • Communicate what you are feeling.
  • Relax and try to let your thoughts go. One way to do this is to focus on how the touch or technique feels.
  • Remember to breathe, as this helps the muscles to relax. Sometimes people hold their breath when a sensitive area is massaged, but it is best to breathe through it.
  • In the same way, tightening your muscles during the massage is counterproductive. If you can't seem to relax your muscles, let the therapist know and he will make whatever adjustment is necessary.